1 Marzo 2019Published by Alessandro Cossu on 1 Marzo 2019Categories La Sfera DisarmonicaTHE MINOR MODEWelcome back! Up to this point we’ve talked about major tonality, and I showed some of the many possible fingerings for the major scale and for […]
21 Novembre 2018Published by Alessandro Cossu on 21 Novembre 2018Categories La Sfera Disarmonica Music Lessons on-lineTONAL FUNCTIONS IN THE MAJOR SCALEAfter speaking about major scale and how the fingerings can be organized on the guitar, I’d like to talk a little bit about harmony. I’ll try […]
22 Agosto 2015Published by alessandro on 22 Agosto 2015Categories La Sfera DisarmonicaDOMINANT CHORDS WITH ALTERED 9THDominant 9th Chords The Dominant chord, with its inner tension to resolve to the tonic, is the real core of the tonal system. The reason for […]