17 April 2021Published by Alessandro Cossu on 17 April 2021Categories Music Lessons on-lineFOURTH CHORDS (FINGERINGS)In one of the previous lessons I started talking about quartal harmony, that is a harmony based on intervals of fourth instead of thirds (as it […]
20 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 20 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-lineTWO PHRASES ON THE DIMINISHED SCALEThe Diminished Scale If you are trying to move further the pentatonic and diatonic scales and experimenting with “other sounds”, the diminished scale will give you […]
19 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 19 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-line7b9 & 7#9 ARPEGGIOS7(b9) & 7(#9) Arpeggios After talking about Dominant chords and 9 chords, let’s see how we can spice things up a little bit by using altered […]
16 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 16 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-lineMODAL CHORDSModal Chords If I go back and think about the first years of my guitar studies, I have to admit that I found studying chords boring. […]
16 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 16 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-lineTRIADS. BASIC FORMTriads Triads are the building blocks of the tonal system of the Major and minor scales. The name “triad” tells us right away that they’re made of […]
15 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 15 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-line“MODAL” PENTATONICS“Modal” Pentatonics Is It a Scale or an Arpeggio? Let’s say you are playing the notes A-C-D-E-G, I’m pretty sure you’d say without a doubt that […]
12 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 12 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-lineSUSPENDED TRIADSSuspended Triads … Being Suspended … While studying a new song or a new harmonic progression, at some point you could have come across sus2 or […]
12 September 2020Published by Alessandro Cossu on 12 September 2020Categories Music Lessons on-lineQUARTAL HARMONYWhat Is Quartal Harmony? When we talk about triads we usually refer to chords made by a fundamental note (or root), its third and its fifth. […]